Davis Wojnovich
Picture of me

Big Coder Vibes

I'm a student, passionate about Computer Systems, Computer Graphics, and Virtual Reality

About Me

I'm Davis Wojnovich, a passionate software engineer with an affinity for building latency sensitive, distributed systems and teaching CS theory. I also enjoy graphics programming and building for XR. Take some time to check out my projects and reach out if you want to build something together.


Capital One Logo
Computer Science Teaching Assistant

Throughout my stay at CMU, I've worked as a teaching assistant for both 15-122 (Principles of Imperitive Computation), and 15-251 (Great Ideas in Theoretical CS). This past semester I got a chance to teach CMU's Algorithim Design course (15-451).

Capital One Logo
Software @ Captial One

I was fortunate to be able to spend my Sophmore summer working at Capital One, building tools for developer experience. My team leveraged AWS to deploy an internal tool to update deployment pipelines across the organization. Before finishing, we were able to begin pilot testing our tool with 5 teams.

Jump Logo
Software @ Jump Trading

This previous summer I had a great time working as software engineer at Jump Trading in Chicago. I spent adding functionality to latency sensitive trading systems in C++ and interfacing with custom FPGAs.


Here is a sampling of some of the independent projects I've worked on, with links and all that extra stuff.

Treasure Planet Scene
Treasure Planet Virtual Reality Experience

I spent a few weeks in Spring 2022 building a VR experience for the Sigma Phi Epslion Booth at Spring carnival. The experience ran on a Meta Quest 2 headset and was built with new VR users in mind. I implemented physics based interactions, animated characters, voice acting, and sound desgin. Our Booth won first place in the fraternity category, and we were able to give 500+ people a positive first VR experience.

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ML for All logo
ML for All

ML for all is a fullstack web application that allows users to build machine learning models in their browser with minimal user input. ML for All was build with a React/Redux, Firebase, and a Custom Flask Api for training models. This project received 4th place at a CMU UEA startup contest.

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MiniCard Title Screen
MiniCard: a 15112 Term Project

MiniCard is a Hearthstone-esque card game with networking support and deck building. The application was built using CMU 112's graphics library, and the stock python sockets api. Players are able to connect to a server to play against each other, and I implemented a deckbuilder.

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